Ano de lançamento: 2007
País: Estados Unidos
Tamanho arquivo download: 124 mb (link no final da postagem)
Steve "Zetro" Souza Vocals
Willy Lange (R.I.P. 2018) Bass
Danny Cunningham Drums
Andy Billy Guitars (rhythm & lead)
Steve Robello Guitars (rhythm & lead)
Greg Bustamante Guitars (rhythm & lead)
John Hartsinck Guitars (lead)
Chuck Billy Vocals
1. R.I.P.
2. Unnatural Causes
3. Mentally Unstable
4. Pigs in the Hollow
5. DDP for Life
6. Sid Vicious
7. Iron Fist (Motörhead cover)
8. Cold Sweat (Thin Lizzy cover)
9. Lights Out (UFO cover)
10. Trail of the Executioner
11. Devil in Disguise
12. Corruption / Central Pomo Indian Songs
Thank you !